Valogix Inventory planner

Partner Entwickler:

Valogix LLC

Business Apps:

Inventory planner

Verwaltet eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Elementen und Standorten. Bietet Flexibilität, während verschiedene Planungsparameter eine genauere Planung ermöglichen.

Text auf Englisch

The Valogix inventory Planner manages an unlimited number of items and locations, and provides flexibility while different planning parameters allow more precise planning.

Valogix Inventory Planner determines which items to stock, which items to order, and which items are excess or overstocked.

The Valogix Planner manages an unlimited number of items and locations and provides flexibility while different planning parameters allow more precise planning. Valogix Inventory Planner helps you manage by exception. The software’s intelligence even provides alerts of potential problems, before they occur saving you valuable time and assisting you to avoid potentially serious Customer Satisfaction problems.

How Valogix enhances SAP Business One

The basic purpose of Material Requirements Planning (MRP) is determining how much of which products needs to be either manufactured or purchased based on it being a component or ingredient of another item. MRP also determines when the product is required. Every item can have either Independent Demand or Dependent Demand.

Independent Demand is based on an item being an end product of a manufacturing facility. Independent Demand would include end products that are sold directly to customers or distributors, spare parts that are sold to repair shops or customers, supplies that are sold directly, etc.

Dependent Demand is based on an item being used, consumed, absorbed, destroyed, etc. in the manufacturing process of making other items. This might include raw materials, purchased parts, sub-assemblies, or complex parts that are also themselves manufactured or assembled. Some dependent demand may be the result of waste or scrap from the manufacturing process.

Predictive demand and replenishment planning

  • Enhanced forecasting for highly seasonal and slow-moving items.
  • Vendor planning for easy replenishment management.
  • New items are easier and faster with the “proxy process”.
  • Simultaneously generates new orders and stock transfers.

Sophisticated item management

  • Enhanced details show lead time, service levels, vendor, and more.
  • Full visibility at all locations: virtual, real, & customers (if desired).
  • Dynamically computes and reports on excess and obsolete inventory.
  • Automatically sets shelf stock by item and location.

Enhanced MRP Planning

  • Restricts supply and demand in multiple warehouse environments.
  • Automatically computes forecast for production orders.
  • Replenishment planning is optimized for better asset and spend control.
  • Creates a single purchase order per supplier covering multiple warehouses.
  • The advanced technology tools from Valogix automatically forecast, plan, replenish and optimize most any inventory.
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